

THE LOEL保修服務及支援

保修查詢: info@theloel.com

本公司所有產品都是自攜 / 自取保修服務。



  1. 領回維修品時必須出示維修單據。若遺失維修單據,本公司有權拒絶交出維修品。顧客應小心核對所有配件是否如數領回。
  2. 凡三個月內未取回之維修品或因無法控制之意外事故而導致維修品受損或遺失時,本公司概不負責。
  3. 如顧客三個月內不領回維修品時 (由維修單據發出日期起計), 將被視作放棄論,本公司可隨意處置,而不必事先通知顧客及作出賠償。
  4. 凡經過檢查,因缺乏零件、報價不修或其他原因而導致無法維修時,本公司有權退還未經維修之物品。同時本公司並不保證該退修品還原到拆機前的狀態。
  5. 維修品經檢查及報價,若顧客不同意修理或超過一個月不回覆者,本公司將視為退機處理。
  6. 凡經更換之零件,本公司概不退還。
  7. 修妥品由領回日期起計三個月內,如有發現上次修理有不善之處,本公司將負責免費再次調較或修理,但不包括清洗及可能需要更換零件之附加費用。
  8. 所有費用,均以現金結賬,信用卡或支票恕不接受。
  9. 保修期內之器材,須於維修前提出機器的問題,並出示有效的有關商店收據。
  10. 如已過保養期,本公司會按維修品之修理或零件更換情況而收取合理費用。

**直接從THE LOEL或通過授權的經銷商購買,是確保你買的產品就是正貨的唯一途徑。簡單的說,未經授權的經銷商會導致客戶不滿。


CAREWIN, MONEUAL, CARESOO, CAMILULU, WINIX, POBLING & APPBOT 註冊商標在韓國和國際法律的保護,並保留起訴侵犯受法律保護的商標及產品侵權的權利。本公司會定期監控互聯網,包括拍賣網站,以保護本公司的知識產權。未經授權倒賣,銷售或使用拍賣本公司版權的物品是非法行為,並可能被追究賠償及刑事責任。

After-sales Service

THE LOEL Warranty Service & Support

Warranty inquiry: info@theloel.com

All of the products of The Loel are self-carrying / picking-up warranty services.


10-days Replacement Notice:

If the quality of the product is confirmed by the company to be a factory defect, customer can replace the same value of THE LOEL''s goods within ten days of purchase. Replacement of the goods must be complete and without any human damage and scratches.

Repair Instructions:
  1. Customer should present the repair note which when pick up the repair product. If the repair note is lost, THE LOEL has the right to refuse to hand over the repaired product. Customers should be careful to check all accessories are returned.
  2. Where the repaired product is not retrieved within three months or the repaired product is damaged or lost due to an uncontrollable accident, THE LOEL is not responsible.
  3. If customer does not pick up the repaired product within three months (from the date of issue of the repair note), it will be treated as a waiver, and THE LOEL will be free to dispose of it without prior notice to the customer and compensation.
  4. Where it is checked the it cannot be repaired due to lack of parts, customers not repaired after quotation or other reasons, THE LOEL has the right to return unrepaired items. At the same time, THE LOEL does not guarantee that the returned product will be restored to the state before the disassemble.
  5. The repaired product is inspected and quoted. If the customer does not agree to repair or does not reply for more than one month, THE LOEL will consider it to be not repaired and customer need to pick it up.
  6. All parts that have been replaced will not be returned by the company.
  7. If the repaired product is within three months from the date of receipt, if it is found that there was something wrong with the last repair, THE LOEL will be responsible for free re-adjustment or repair, but does not include additional costs for cleaning and possible replacement parts.
  8. All fees are settled in cash, credit cards or cheques are not accepted.
  9. The equipment during the warranty period must be raised before the maintenance and present a valid store receipt.
  10. If the warranty period has passed, THE LOEL will charge a reasonable fee for repair or repair of parts.

** Buying directly from THE LOEL or through an authorized dealer is the only way to ensure that the product you buy is the right one. Simply put, an unauthorized dealer can cause customer dissatisfaction.

Avoid buying from auction sites and other retailers that are not officially approved by the agency. Although the product appears to be an original product, it will not be included in the official warranty and the company will not provide warranty service.

CAREWIN, MONEUAL, CARESOO, CAMILULU, WINIX & POBLING registered trademarks are protected under Korean and international law and retain the right to sue for infringement of trademark and product infringement. THE LOEL regularly monitors the Internet, including auction sites, to protect the company's intellectual property. Unauthorized reselling, sale or use of items auctioned by the company is illegal and may be subject to compensation and criminal liability.